I've released the latest version of the LINQ to SQL Entity Base. If you are unfamiliar with it, it allows you to have change tracking without having to have the DataContext object within scope.
Here's the changes since Version 1.0
Improvement: Implemented caching for reflected properties which should significantly speed up creation of entity instances. Thanks Johannes!
Improvement: If you delete an entity while it is in the new state (and therefore has not been submitted to the database yet), the entity will now be removed from the scope of the entity tree during the call SyncronisationWithDataContext(), and as there are no references to the entity anymore it will be garbage collected. Before this change, the object would still hang around.
Bug Fix: Issue where setting a value FK value via object reference did not result in entity being flagged as modified unless you modified another property on that entity as well.
Anyway, head on over to codeplex to check it out.